10 Things You Get With A M3 Membership

10 Things You Get With Your M3 Membership

As members of the M3 Community you probably already know the benefits it brings. 

You’ve been there, done it, and in some cases, got the t-shirt too!

But I just wanted to make sure that you fully were aware of just exactly what your decision to be involved in our community entitles you too. 

So, here’s 10 things, that your M3 membership gets you..


We, of course, want you to enjoy training and enjoy the benefits. 

But, we also want you to get exactly what you want from it. 

Hence, our check Ins. We want to support you every step of the way, and provide a safe space for you to track your progress or get the answers to your questions.

2.The Socials

Because a beer or two never hurt anyone.

Socials are a huge part of our community calender. 

We don’t need to remind anyone of how good the Christmas & Summer Parties are, do we? 

Why are these important? Because community is at the heart of what we do, and without it, weʼd just be “another gym”.. 

 3. Seminars
Going from all the beers to all ears for our seminars on a range of topics from training, mindset & nutrition. 

Included in your membership, you have the option to come along to one of these and listen in, take notes and get all the answers you want to the questions you have. 

We want the process to be enjoyable, and believe it can be made more so when youʼre equipped with the right information to ensure you get exactly what you want from your involvement in our community. 

4.The Community

Mentioned this a few times, and Iʼll mention it again! Our community is at the heart of what we do at M3 Perform. 

Our goal is to make sure everyone of you who steps through our doors feels welcomed and comfortable. 

We strive to help anyone and everyone who comes into our gym feel like they belong.
Every single one of you has a place and a part to play in helping our community to thrive. 

Health & fitness goals can be challenging, but what will make it as simple and easy as possible is the knowledge that thereʼs a whole community of people willing you on and ready to help whenever needed. 

5.The Challenges

We love to make exercise as fun as possible. Which is why we love running our monthly challenges. 

Whether itʼs a test of endurance, speed or strength, we want everyone to get involved and give it their best shot. 

A bit of friendly competition always adds to the atmosphere.

And thereʼs even a prize at the end for whichever members come out on top! 

6. The “Try It Before You Diet” Ebook.

A recent addition, which we worked hard to produce in order to make it as easy as possible to have all your diet questions and problems, answered and solved.

This small but practical ebook contains 10 simple steps to ensure your diet is not only effective but sustainable. 

Focusing on helping you to minimise disruption to your current routine while helping you to achieve any fat loss aspirations you have along the way. 

Made even more effective with all of our best and most helpful posts and videos on various topics, available through the ebook through simply clicking on a link! 

7. Recipe Book

The perfect supplement to your Try It Before You Diet Ebook. 

You are all entitled to one and it is full of recipes for all meals of the day, making sure youʼre never bored or short of ideas. 

Thereʼs plenty in there, giving you plenty of time to journey through it, trying out new things and making sure you not only get the results you want, but making sure itʼs delicious enough throughout the way. 

8. Online Community Support

Access to not one, but two online groups is another thing you’re entitled to as a member.  

We have our main M3 Community, where we post updates, shoutouts, offers and team-building challenges. 

And we have our M3 Nutrition group, where we, yep, you guessed it, post about nutrition. 

Whether itʼs interesting facts, recipes or guidelines and advice, youʼll find it in the nutrition group. 

9. Free Coffee

Arrive at a session 10 minutes early? No problem! 

You’ve all seen how our lounge area has transformed into a hub for everyone to come in, relax a bit, and catch up with other members.

But, did you know about the free coffee? Help yourself to one next time you arrive to a session 5-10 minutes early. Take a seat and enjoy it, before things get a bit intense.. 

The calm before the storm almost… 

10.The Sessions.

And here comes the storm… 

Of course, on top of everything mentioned, we pride ourselves on providing sessions that are fun, engaging, welcoming and effective. 

Whether itʼs getting stronger on Perform, or sweaty in Condition, we know you’ll not only get the results you want… 

Youʼll have fun doing it! 

Lloyd Gordon